
Awesome Blog Entry

Was I ever in for a surprise this week at Aldi! They've changed the look of my Sweet Valley soda. Now, the Diet Cola is all blue and snazzy. No more white generic look. No, now it's gone all big time.

As I stood in the aisle and looked at this old friend now in an unfamiliar appearance, I went through a lot of emotions. And had many thoughts and realizations wash over me.

Thefirst thing I noticed with great displeasure was that I the cans no longer have the unattributed testimonial, "Great Tasting" on them. That was sad.

And then I realized that not only was the packaging different, so was the name. It wasn't just DIET COLA anymore. It is now Diet GT Cola.

After I realized the name was changed, I began to think, Hmm, what's the GT stand for?

And then it hit me. Yah, they named it Great Tasting Cola. This is priceless. I thought it was funny before when the box said the soda was great tasting, but now they've named it that? That's great.

I think all products should be named adjectives, like Cool shoes, Economic car, and Sharp-But-Not-Too-Sharp razors.

Sign #456 I Am Losing It
I actually apologized to my computer today. I hit the button to open the CD tray instead of eject the floppy disk like I meant to. Before I knew what I was doing, I said, "Sorry, I hit the wrong button."

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