
Please properly mark your poisoned cabbages.

The Matt-Charissa Connection Campaign: Day 22

The Campaign has taken a huge leap today as Charissa herself has taken a step that will surely lead to Matt contacting her. Or we can only hope.

As you know, the campaign is built around my friend Charissa's realization that she wants to meet Matt T (not to be confused with Mr. T) of Relient K. We are doing whatever we can to try and get him to helicopter in to say hi or, you know, send an e-mail.

So, just for this purpose, Charissa taught herself how to make animated Flash movies and made her own sequel to Relient K's flash movie about Woodland Forest. See the orignal here. And then watch Charissa's version.

I am proud to say this marks my first time being a cartoon voice! (I play the cabbage.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice work! It is very much Charlie Brownish...I LOVE it! :)