
Ficus Trees and Whale Watching

So, I have this ficus tree. And when I first bought it, his health wasn't so good. But now, thanks to not watering him as much and putting him outside, he is just a speciman of perfect health and greenery. But one day I thought, "I should look up how to care for a ficus." They are a tempermental plant. Well, I found this advertising site. The reason I bring it up is because of how passionate this man is about ficus. My favorite part is the little kicker at the top that reads, "Ticked Off Ficus Grower Gets EVEN!"

I like my ficus and everything, but other than plywood I cannot think of anything less likely to make someone so passionate.

I saw this news story the other day: Researchers in Japan have figured out why birthrates in Japan are so low. "Japanese people simply aren't having sex," said the Japan Family Planning Association. Well, the funny thing to me is not the article--but the photo that Yahoo News posted with it here. Seriously, check it out: Apparently, the Japanese are not having sex because they are too busy at the aquarium? Whale watching is getting in the way of romance? Whaaa? But hey, a headline at Christianity Today this week assures us that if the Japanese aren't getting busy, someone is.

Speaking of funny headlines, this one isn't. You're just trying too hard, E! News. And to think I trust you for my celebrity dish.

Off to the right you will see a new link to the "TeDiuM Podcast." This is a 55-minute audio file of me, Doug V. and Marc talking. Ya, 55 minutes of us talking. You are already stoked aren't you? Well, this is our first attempt at a podcast and we think it's fun--it's like a little talk radio show. We had some mic issues so there are rough spots but we look forward to improving on that in future episodes. Yes, there will be more. Whether you like it or not.

PTOIT Special Feature: Quotes of the Week

"What's wrong? Are you doing OK? Do you need to talk?" --Doug F., after I told him I was listening to Dashboard Confessional.

"I don't like the Cubs, but I really like tongs." --My friend Holly, logically explaining why her allegience is now with the North Siders. It all has to do with a bad experience at Comiskey and people using their fingers to grab hot dogs.

"Does that man sell toys?" --Doug F's son after seeing my office.

"Parents are hiding their kids behind their legs, pointing at me and whispering, 'That's the guy.'" --Ozzie Guillen


Anonymous said...

Hot dogs were not the only things folks at Comiskey were grabbing with their fingers.

Mark Ahn said...

E!news sucks. Long live Gawker, Defamer, and Perez Hilton!