
Uneasy On the Office Front

Hector is still MIA. This is what I was afraid of when I chose not to make a preemptive strike. Back then, I always knew where he was. I could watch him. Now, he could be anywhere. Suddenly, this has turned into guerrilla warfare.

The last encounter with Hector was a frenzy of emotion and violence. I said things I don't mean and there were a lot of hurt feelings. And then, I tried to stomp on him. I swung a golf club a few times.

Now, I am no insectologist, but I can tell you this: Crickets are fast little buggers. Hector was jumping like 3 feet at a time. He's like a phantom. A really fast, small, jumpy phantom.

After the incident yesterday, I drove to my old (still un-rented) condo and got a can of Raid. I sprayed it all over Hector's area and the back corner of the office where I saw him run. If I were a betting man, I'd say that he's probably dead in a corner back there where I can't see. Or maybe he made it out of the building the way he came in.

Is the last we'll see of Hector?

Will he launch another offensive?

Will he kidnap one of my Fez Monkeys for payback?

Only time will tell.

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