
A Blast From the Past

I took a trip down memory lane this weekend when my mom got out some of my old grade school papers and drawings. (This is a continuation of our efforts to clean out of my old bedroom closet.) I was quite the artist. I tended to draw Santa a lot. And dogs.

But the best findings were my writings. I thought I'd share a story today. (Tomorrow, I will share an excellent piece of nonfiction titled, "I Feed the Dog.") In today's story, I kept all the spelling and capitalization of the original. Note in this story my very early distrust of bears. And my love for dramatic fight scenes. And meat.

I wrote this in 2nd grade, we believe:

Fox and Rabbit Take a Walk

Once upon a time there was a Rabbit who Loved carrits. And there was a fox who Loved meat. The Rabbit and the fox were frends. One day the fox and the Rabbit were walking through the forest. And a bear attacked the fox and the Rabbit. And the bides Rapped vinees aRound the bear. And tock him to a cave with a rock by it. They had a tiggr put the rock by the hole of the cave. And I forgot to say that the Rabbit was a girl. And the fox was a boy. And the fox and Rabbit got marryed.

PTOIT Special Feature: Fun with Google!It is back! America's favorite sensation where I search Google Images with two random words to see what I get.

Today's Search Terms: "Garbage" and "Monster"

The Results:

Photo #1: Finally, a monster truck is featured on PTOIT. Can we all say Amen?

Photo #2: This is an odd photo. Everyone knows that no self-respecting Green Garbage Monster would be seen in public in blue denim.

Photo #3: No garbage. No monster.

Photo #4: This image sums up exactly why Fun with Google exists. Whoo. This is nice. I like to imagine this guy's name is Hank. And he's playing "Tip Toe Through the Tulips." Or some New Wave hit.


Anonymous said...

Funny thing about your story I forgot to tell you yesterday is that my dad used to call me a rabbit because I'd wriggle my nose like a rabbit to push up my glasses...you didn't have a fox nickname did you? Wouldn't that be weird!? :)

the todd said...

Well, as we all know from the Disney classic The Fox and the Hound , the name Todd actually MEANS fox. And I do like meat.